NEWRMC-SL Visit to the Minister of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED)
Director of Centre and Minister & Deputy Minster of MoPED Director of Centre , Lead Analyst with the Leadership of MoPED Director of Centre Engaged MoPED Leadership Director of Centre and the Minister of Planning and Economic Development Lhe Director of NEWRMC & Team went on a working visit to the Minister of planning and Economic Development. In attendance was the Deputy Minister and other senior members of the Ministry. The Director appreciated the Ministry for its role in the establishment of the Centre, and it continuous support. She briefed the meeting on a range of issues including the work done by the Centre that falls within the purview of the Ministry and push for more actions (in respect to the Centre’s recommendations) to be fast tracked in the spirit of human security. She reiterated that such actions will help to mitigate the threats posed to human security and peace in Sierra Leone. After much deliberations, the Minister expressed appreciation of the visit and its reports, and assured NEWRMC of the necessary support in achieving its objectives
The Director of the National Early Warning and Response Mechanism Coordinating Centre ( NEWRMC – SL) and team had a meeting on the 09/01/24 with the Director of Women Against Violence and Exploitation in society – SL (WAVES – SL) at the situation room NEWRMC – SL . They focus their discussion on how to partner, collaborate and coordinate efforts to eliminate / mitigate sexual Based violence in the Country . They agreed to share information and team up when necessary to take joint action to address the menace.